Hi and thank you for visiting my site.
It all started in 1984 when I was just 20 years old and not fond of hairstyling which is what I was trained to do. I was always intrigued by DJs - their voice, their selection of music and their great sound. It was curiosity that caused me to purchase my first sound system and advertise myself as a DJ. Little did I know that it would turn into doing one dance after another to the point that it became my chosen career. 32 years later I am still doing my thing and I can honestly say I enjoy every one. I have met many wonderful, unique people whether they are clients or my fellow wedding vendors. With their encouragement and support I obtained my Marriage Commissioner’s license.
Having worked hundreds of marriage ceremonies it came natural to me to actually perform a ceremony. The role of Marriage Commissioner is one that I take very seriously and I promise my devotion and passion to every couple I meet. I am truly honored to be the one to unite them in love, forever.
I grew up in Seal Cove, C.B.S., Newfoundland where my Father owned/operated a grocery store. I guess I followed in my Father’s footsteps and became my own boss. My family has been a strong support for me as I pursued my dreams. To them I owe a huge “thank you”. In 1990 I moved to St. John’s where my dreams continued to unfold and in 2002 I brought my son into the world. Motherhood is, by far, my greatest achievement. My son is wonderful and it’s my love for him that drives me to be the best role model I can be.
I would like to send a huge bouquet of appreciation to my former clients, present clients, my family, my friends and my fellow wedding vendors for giving me the incentive, the desire and the encouragement to be where I am today. This is truly a dream come true.